What is the Boost option?
As new ads are created on the site and appear at the top of the search results, your ad will get lower and lower down the search lists.
Boost allows you to go back to the top of the search results, refreshing its update date.
Why should I Boost my ad ?
If you find that your ad is no longer in demand and you have fewer and fewer contacts, Boost can give you a hand!
Boost, will allow your ad to:
You can use this option and benefit from the above mentioned benefits as many times as you like!
How much it costs?
Each activation of the Boost option will cost you €3.99 per ad, and with each activation your ad will climb to the top of the results!
You can use this option and benefit from it as many times as you want!
If you have several online ads, you can activate Boost by choosing the ones you want to go to top of the list, and give them more visibility, always for €3.99 per ad and per activation.